Search and Seizure! We flew into Dakar, Senegal, at five in the morning local time. (I believe this would have made it 1 in the morning local Boston time, but you can look that up if you’d like.) We landed in an airfield, which was bizarre, because we were hoping to land in an airport, where we could, you know, buy some water, get some diet coke, walk around and avoid deep vein thrombosis. Unfortunately, to even walk around in Senegal, you need to fill out some sort of immigration card, so losers stay on the plane. Then the crew comes over the PA and announces that we’re going to be boarded by the local authorities who will be conducting a baggage and passenger search. Take off that bright red sleep mask and find your passport, hide that panda pillow and locate your boarding pass. We all groan, mostly because of the aforementioned spicy beef, and groggily await the storm trooping.
The most polite storm trooping ever.
The local authorities consisted of about 5 or so young men, some of whom were removing trash as they kindly asked if this was your bag. Why yes it is! The only weird part was the ripping the chairs open. We each had to move into the aisle while the authority, in his authoritative vest, pulled the cushion of the chairs up (poor soul. Spicy beef) and checked for weapons of mass destruction. Silly authorities, the weapons of mass destruction were just sitting in the chairs! Except for the occasional snagged seatbelt, it went off without a hitch, and we were sent back to park butt for our eight hour flight to Joburg. Our only complaint now is that we totally asked for the pancakes, and they gave us some weird egg concoction instead, and also some (pictured) unpasteurized Senagalese coconut pineapple and vanilla yogurt. We both, in our delirium, thought this was some sort of drink, and dehydrated from the flight, tore into it, only to do a plane version of a spit take, back into the container. Yeowa, that’s nasty. So far the swig of bizarre yogurt with a weird looking (Mexican?) dude on it hasn’t killed us, but we’ll let you know. Since we’d already faced death by yogurt, when they came around with questionable looking ice cream, we totally tore into it, and almost simultaneously dropped it on ourselves.
Next stop, Africa! Land ho! (That’s what she said, right? Right? )
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