Thursday, October 23, 2008

When Elephants Attack--a progression of aggression

From our encounter with Amarullah the elephant the other day. A montage.


Steve_Perry_fan01 said...

Man, that Amarullah's really pushing his luck there with that risky jeep-charging move. But I guess he works hard to get his fill, and everybody wants a thrill, payin' anything to roll the dice one more time. What I can't tell from these photos is whether Amarullah was born to win, born to lose, or born to sing the blues. Maybe an eyewitness can clarify the situation?

(I had to look some of those lyrics up, by the way. Clearly I do not deserve the "01" in my user name)

Thanks so much for sharing these amazing photos and for taking the time to write the posts that go with them. I've really enjoyed reading them while I should have been working. And now I know that you can call mustard "mustard sauce," which I might start doing myself from now on. "Ketchup sauce" just seems redundant to me, though.

Anonymous said...

oh dear lord I just got caught up on reading the last couple of days and now I feel horrible for giving you that half-dollar! You really do have Erhart-luck!! Dear lord, are you sure we're not related? I didn't think that it was possible for that much to go wrong in such a short time period while still having a good time without having some sort of blood relation to the proud erhart line.

Anyway, seems to me like you are going to have a hell of a storybook when you get back! Boston waits for you! Phineas was digging around in his rocks today looking for you. I tried to tell him a story or show him a youtube clip to make him laugh, but I fear that he was unsatisified...

anyway, great... the guy who lives above me apparently just got a new girlfriend... they're friggin' rabbits man...

*rolls eyes* yeah, I got nothing...

talk to you later,

erin e.

Shannon and Lizzie Go to Africa! said...

Erin! We could totally be relatives! I like to think that the half-dollar brought us good luck, because our luggage wasn't lost forever, no one got eaten by a hippo (knock on wood) and we haven't been killed by any drivers. Again, knock on wood. Following the advice of Steve Perry, don't stop believin'--that's the luckiest half-dollar in the world.

Liv said...

You shoulda totally hopped on that thing!


Anonymous said...

That's what she said!