Please review said video, and talk amongst yourselves. Possible topics include but are not limited to:
- what the hell?
- why is the sexy librarian stamping a passport?
- where can I get glasses like the drummer?
- screw that, where can I get glasses like the keyboardist?
- why are they playing on a stack of books?
- what the hell? No really? What does this video have to do with the song other than having the word "Africa" in common?
- holy racism, batman, is that a "native" with a spear and shield?
- nice sweatband cuffs, keyboardist!
- at the end, is the librarian dead, or did her glasses just fall off? Did the band kill her? Are they going to keep peeking creepily from behind the books, or are they going to do something about the fire? Come on, guys, unless you expect that the rain in Africa is going to put it out...
Wow. Your observations are quite astute I must say. I was also struck by the following: 1) The beauty of Toto's music is match only by the ugliness of their faces. 2) If he had just used the card catalog he would have found the book "Africa" much more quickly (I mean god it's probably the very first entry under that subject heading). 3) Wow. Really ugly. Every one of them. Damn. 4) Do you think the drummer fully autistic or just a little Aspergery? 5) Hey bass player, can you hold that thing any higher you fucking dweeb?
Here's another question to ponder: Why are there shots of them playing on giant books? Are they temporarily miniturized? Does the librarian know they've been shrunk? Don't Shelf that book librarian! There's a tiny band on it! NOOO! Why a library? what the hell does that have to do with anything?
What was that all about? Shannon find out! Are there libraries all over Africa, and are these libraries attacked by Zulu (?) warriors often, or only when members of Toto are singing in them. Also why doesn't that librarian tell the singer to shut-up; it's a fuckin' library.
Everyone should know that the last song I heard before getting to Lizzie's was "Hold the Line", which is one out of the three Toto songs everyone knows. I will do some investigative reporting once in Africa, hitting as many libraries as possible, wearing my disguise of big ugly glasses, Steve Perry Hair and general douchery. Also, like Sarah Palin, I will set books on fire. Ha ha! Just kidding...
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